November 28 – Bog-shoes challenge in Pirtsmeza mire

November 28 – Bog-shoes challenge in Pirtsmeza mire

Due to the fact that all public and private events are banned from October 21 to November 15, the planned snowshoe hike on November 14 is postponed to November 28.

Yes, right here the swamp is so crazy that without bog-shoes you can’t get over it. This is where the idea was born to go hiking across the swamps and become what we are now – Swamp Wanderers. In wetter weather, the road to the swamp may be wet and muddy, but if it is not scary, then this swamp will not disappoint both the landscape and the senses.

Waterproof shoes (rubber boots) are definitely needed to keep your feet from getting wet before the swamp. If necessary, we can rent rubber boots. And as always – guides will help you discover the secrets of the swamp and the bog-shoes will allow you to get to where it would otherwise be difficult or even impossible. This will also be a great opportunity to collect cranberries, which are now especially delicious.

The hike is intended for active participants who like long hikes and challenges, so they must be in good physical shape and the recommended age of participants is 12-55 years. Age does not matter if you are experienced in hiking.

Description of the hike:

  • Duration: 4-5 hours
  • Difficulty level: medium (for experienced hikers), medium-difficult (for beginners)
  • Length of distance: through the bog with bog shoes ~ 4 km, in total ~ 6km
  • Meeting place and time: at 11:00 in Staicele at the Tourist Information Center
  • Closing time: around 17:00
  • Participation fee for the hike: 20 EUR; 10 EUR (7-17 years). Sign up for the newsletter and receive a 10% discount.
  • Bring: snacks and drinking water
  • Wear: hiking shoes or rubber boots
  • Costs include:
    • Preparation of the hiking route
    • Delivery and rental of bog shoes
    • Many years of experience, knowledge and support of guides

Getting there

By car: click on the link to open the coordinates of the destination in the navigation application, if using waze or google maps, or using coordinates 57.835711, 24.747803

What it looks like in a bog:

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